Lathe operator (CNC)

Joseph Harry

Lathe operator (CNC)

Production DEMGY Paris - Clamart (92)

It's crucial to trust young people and support them in their learning. Conviviality and mutual support are essential to integrate them and help them succeed.

What does your job involve?

My job is above all turning, the transformation of parts. At DEMGY, this mainly involves the transformation of plastics. After all these years, I have more experience in plastics than in other materials.

What is your career path?

After 3e, I did a BP. I worked in other companies before coming here, so I've already got a lot of experience.

What's the best thing about working at DEMGY?

As well as the work itself, the interpersonal atmosphere is very important here. We help each other out and there's a good atmosphere among colleagues, which captivated me right from the start. Why go elsewhere when you're at home?

Can you describe a typical day in your job?

A typical day starts at 07:15. If we're already machining, I go round the team to check on progress and resolve any difficulties. At 08:30, we have a meeting with the division managers to discuss progress and any necessary improvements. We have indicators to monitor delays and product progress.

What do you like about your job?

I like working in aeronautics, a sector I've always wanted to join. The job is meticulous and demanding, requiring precise analysis of every part. Every detail counts, and great care is needed to avoid mistakes. After machining, each part undergoes a strict inspection before being validated by a quality controller.

In three words, how would you describe DEMGY?

I'd say friendly, demanding and trusting. The company has evolved since I started. We've gone from 49 to 800 people, which shows the confidence we have in our know-how.

What message would you like to pass on to people applying for a job at DEMGY?

I understand the hesitation, but there's nothing to fear. You just have to get out there and find out. Since Julien took up his post, two young people have been hired. This shows that there are opportunities for young people to progress and make a career here. It's crucial to trust young people and support them in their apprenticeship. Friendliness and mutual support are essential to integrate them and help them succeed.

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