Bruno Perier
Manufacturing unit manager
Production DEMGY Normandie - Saint-Aubin-sur-Gaillon (27)
The company's organization has played a major role in my professional development, offering opportunities for learning and growth within this specialty.
What is your job and how long have you been with DEMGY?
I've been in charge of the company's machining unit for 4 years.
What is your career path at DEMGY?
My career path has been a continuation of what I was already doing, with a particular focus on machining. I've found the technical aspect of the company's culture very interesting.
How has the organization contributed to your professional development?
What makes this job particularly rewarding is the relationship I have with my colleagues and the opportunity to advance technically while training the machining teams. The company's organization has played a major role in my professional development, offering opportunities to learn and grow within this specialty.
What's your typical day like at DEMGY?
A typical day in my team involves a tour of the workstations to assess the work in progress, important interpersonal interactions with my machining team members, and operational meetings to coordinate our actions with other departments.
What do you like best about your job?
What I like most about my job is the opportunity to cultivate good relationships with my colleagues, to make technical progress in the field of machining, and to actively contribute to the training of specialized teams.
If you had to describe DEMGY in 3 words?
In three words, I'd sum up this company as an "interesting place to work", with a "good team spirit" and a strong "commitment" to further training and