Bruno Bauthamy
Machining setter
Industrialization/Methods DEMGY Paris - Clamart (92)
Every day is a new challenge, and it's very satisfying to solve problems and constantly improve the process.
What has been your career path at DEMGY ?
I joined DEMGY on March 1, 1988. I arrived with an accounting diploma. At the time, it was difficult to find work in this field. Thanks to my brother-in-law who worked here, I was able to join DEMGY. I learned milling, machining and programming on the job. Over time, I progressed from level 1 to level 4.
What is your job now ?
I'm a setter on CNC machines. I do programs, preparation and a bit of everything. I also look after a small group to make sure everything runs smoothly, and I've been training young people for many years.
What's the best thing about working at DEMGY ?
The best part is the diversity and complexity of the tasks. Right from the start, I appreciated the difficulty of the work, as it meant I wasn't in danger of being quickly replaced. Every day is a new challenge, and it's very satisfying to solve problems and constantly improve the process.
Tell me about a typical day
Every day is different. It could be restarting a machine, doing some programming or anticipating the tasks of the next few days. There are also days when everything goes well, and others that are more complicated. But when you find the solution to a problem, it's very satisfying.
What do you like about your job ?
I like the complication and the fact that it's concrete. You see the results of your work. Unlike some professions where you can't always see what you've done, here we produce pieces and see the results of our work.
You have an accounting degree, do you have other one ?
No, after my accounting degree, I learned on the job here at DEMGY. I took a few small training courses, but mainly, I acquired my skills by working.
If you have to sum up DEMGY in 3 words ?
Family, technique and serenity. It's like a family here, we all know each other well. It's very technical, but we feel safe and secure professionally.
If you had to pass on a message to people hesitating to apply to DEMGY, what would you tell them?
I'd tell them not to hesitate. You can progress here. Even if you don't necessarily become a manager, you can develop as a technician. You learn a good trade with a future, and the company is solid. At DEMGY, you're autonomous and it's interesting to work in an environment where you're encouraged to take care of yourself.